Howto avoid heavy files in ikiwiki git repo
Continuation of discussion at git-annex forum turns out the git-annex tricks could be avoided.
Setup on remote server
On the server activate album and underlay plugins in $wiki.setup file
- album
- underlay
Configure underlay plugin
- /home/$user/$wiki.underlay
Create underlay directory and init git annex in direct mode
mkdir ~/$wiki.underlay
cd ~/$wiki.underlay;git init;git annex init $srcunderlay; git annex direct
Build ikiwiki for good measure ikiwiki --setup $wiki.setup --rebuild
Setup on local laptop
Clone to laptop and initialise annex repo
git clone ssh://$server/$wiki.git ~/$wiki
git clone ssh://$server/$wiki.underlay ~/$wiki.underlay
cd $wiki.underday;git-annex init $wrkunderlay
git remote add $srcunderlay ssh://$server/$wiki.underlay
You now have an annex repo in the local $wiki.underlay called $wrkunderlay and one in the $wiki.underlay directory on the remote server called $srcunderlay.
Add content locally
Add content to local $wiki directory in this case create $album.mdwn files for every album you have. Then git add;git commit
files containing at the minimum the following
[[!album ]]
Create directories in the local $wiki.underlay corresponding to the album files in the local $wiki dir. Ie. create a directory named $album for every $album.mdwn file. Copy hi-res jpg files to each directory in the local $wiki.underlay and add + commit.
git annex add .
git commit -m 'jpgs added'
Push to remote
cd $wrkunderlay; git-annex copy --to $srcunderlay .; git-annex sync
cd $wrkdir;git push
That's it! Ikiwiki should update the website and treat the jpg's as if they were part of the standard file structure.
How to accomplish this using the web interface is another questions. I guess the plugins have to setup and upload to underlaydir somehow.
My guess is that you have to git-annex copy the $wiki.underlay files to $srcunderlay before running git push from the local $wiki directory. Haven't tested this yet though.
"I guess the plugins have to setup and upload to underlaydir somehow" - yes, the hypothetical specialized CGI interface mentioned at the end of album would ideally be able to do that.
I'd also like to be able to keep full-resolution photos on my laptop but mangle them down to a more web-compatible resolution in a separate underlay that is what actually gets uploaded, also as described on that page - but that doesn't make a great deal of sense for a non-CGI workflow, since if you're uploading full-resolution photos to the CGI, you've already done the big data transfer whether you intended to or not
I recreated this post in the tips section Ikiwiki with git-annex, the album and the underlay plugins as per anarcats suggestion
Yes I can see that some have use for that function. I try to provide hi-res version of all my images as they are more useful for people. For the stockholm site though I've halved the size already as there are to many photos and of to dubious quality... and it's easy enough to do that locally before uploading.
As you can see on the about page I use a shell script to do the metadata stuff even adding the actual download link for the hi-res version. Couldn't figure out how to do in in before I opted for a simpler solution
So for me local work is necessary anyway atm.
Another potential problem with the underlay is how changes to underlay files would be detected?
Feel free to delete this whole forum post in favor of the version in tips.
Changes to files in underlays are picked up automatically, as long as their mtime changed.
Yeah, I need to implement a hook mechanism or something (and work out where I put the exif plugin mentioned in the page).