I'm using ikiwiki for a software project, and in the design process one of the things I sometimes write
algorithms. It doesn't happen much, but for components of functional nature it's very useful.

I've been thinking how to write them in the wiki. I can use a numbered list and manually make
keywords bold, but it's not optimal. I could also use plain text formatting and indent using tabs,
but again there is no highlighting of any keywords or formatting of structures.
Before I do that, I'd like to know if there are better options.

One option I know is LaTeX, which has some very nice packages. You write pseudo-code which looks
very much like source code, and the result looks great, very readable and high quality.

I saw the teximg plugin, but the explanation there is poor: Does the plugin handle things
that aren't formulas? Could it work with a LaTeX document or with an algorithm environment?

Of course, of you have other suggestions I'll be happy to hear. I want to make a careful choice before
I start writing many algorithms :-)

You may try to see if you can select a pseudo-code languages in one of the highlight plugins (highlightcode, sourcehighlight, highlight, other ?). The list of supported languages with the highlight plugin is here, and if you cannot find your languages, I think you can define your own here.

-- Louis

Thanks, I looked at it. I don't think there's any special language for algorithms (anyway I couldn't find any), but for the record I found the following possibilities:

  1. LaTeX: Not very readable in source form, but could be highlighted, didn't try
  2. Writing in a subset of Python/Pascal/Fortran and using their highlighting
  3. Define a new highlight syntax

What about teximg? If it can be used to generate algorithms from LaTeX, it would be an easy excellent solution.


teximg is the best thing that currently exists. Since it isn't enabled on this wiki, and the author's ikiwiki has disappeared, I put one of the test formulas into a private test wiki of mine. Here's a screenshot: http://imgur.com/nT6mefx

I think it would be great if someone wrote a plugin for something nicer. -- Jon

teximg is fine for math (al least for GUI browsers, I didn't try with w3m etc.), but what I'm looking for is a solution for formatting algorithms. If teximg can help with that, great, otherwise there's the 3 workarounds I mentioned above.

Do you have any ideas not mentioned? :-)

-- fr33domlover