The .ikiwiki directory contains ikiwiki's internal state. Normally, you don't need to look in it, but here's some tips for how to do so if you need/want to.

the index

.ikiwiki/indexdb contains a cache of information about pages. This information can always be recalculated by rebuilding the wiki. (So the file is safe to delete and need not be backed up.) It used to be a (semi) human-readable text file, but is not anymore.

To dump the contents of the file, enter a perl command like this.

joey@kodama:~/src/joeywiki/.ikiwiki> perl -le 'use Storable; my $index=Storable::retrieve("indexdb"); use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $index' | head
$VAR1 = {
      'index' => {
                 'ctime' => 1199739528,
                 'dest' => [
                 'mtime' => 1199739528,
                 'src' => 'index.mdwn',
                 'links' => [

the user database

.ikiwiki/userdb is the user database, which records preferences of all web users.

To list all users in the database, enter a perl command like this. Note that the output can include both registered users, and known openids.

joey@kodama:~/src/joeywiki/.ikiwiki> perl -le 'use Storable; my $userinfo=Storable::retrieve("userdb"); print $_ foreach keys %$userinfo'

To list each user's email address:

joey@kodama:~/src/joeywiki/.ikiwiki> perl -le 'use Storable; my $userinfo=Storable::retrieve("userdb"); print $userinfo->{$_}->{email} foreach keys %$userinfo'

To dump the entire database contents:

joey@kodama:~/src/joeywiki/.ikiwiki> perl -le 'use Storable; my $userinfo=Storable::retrieve("userdb"); use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $userinfo'
$VAR1 = {
          '' => {
                                          'email' => '',

Editing values is simply a matter of changing values and calling Storable::nstore(). So to change a user's email address:

joey@kodama:~/src/joeywiki/.ikiwiki> perl -le 'use Storable; my $userinfo=Storable::retrieve("userdb"); $userinfo->{"foo"}->{email}=q{foo@bar}; Storable::lock_nstore($userinfo, "userdb")'

To remove that user:

joey@kodama:~/src/joeywiki/.ikiwiki> perl -le 'use Storable; my $userinfo=Storable::retrieve("userdb"); delete $userinfo->{"foo"}; Storable::lock_nstore($userinfo, "userdb")'

I've not written actual utilities to do this yet because I've only needed to do it rarely, and the data I've wanted has been different each time. --Joey

the session database

.ikiwiki/sessions.db is the session database. See the CGI::Session documentation for more details.


In case you're curious, here's what the various lock files do.

  • .ikiwiki/lockfile is the master ikiwiki lock file. Ikiwiki takes this lock before reading/writing state.
  • .ikiwiki/commitlock is locked as a semophore, to disable the commit hook from doing anything.
  • .ikiwiki/cgilock is locked by the cgi wrapper, to ensure that only one ikiwiki process is run at a time to handle cgi requests.

plugin state files

Some plugins create other files to store their state.

  • .ikiwiki/aggregate is a plain text database used by the aggregate plugin to record feeds and known posts.
  • .ikiwiki/xapian/ is created by the search plugin, and contains xapian-omega configuration and the xapian database.