Ikiwiki has reached version 2.0 and entered a new phase in its development cycle.

With the 2.0 release of ikiwiki, some major changes have been made to the default configuration:

  • The usedirs setting is enabled by default. This will break all URLs to wikis that did not have usedirs turned on before, unless you follow the procedure described at switching to usedirs or edit your setup file to turn usedirs off: usedirs => 0,
  • OpenID logins are now enabled by default, if the Net::OpenID::Consumer perl module is available. Password logins are also still enabled by default. If you like, you can turn either OpenID or password logins off via the disable_plugins setting.

An overview of changes in the year since the 1.0 release:

  • New improved URLs to pages via usedirs.
  • OpenID support, enabled by default.
  • Plugin interface added, with some 60 plugins available, greatly expanding the capabilities of ikiwiki.
  • Tags, atom feeds, and generally full-fledged blogging support.
  • Fully working utf8.
  • Optimisations, approximately 3.5 times as fast as version 1.0.
  • Improved scalability to large numbers of pages.
  • Improved scalable logo.
  • Support for additional revision control systems besides svn: git, tla, mercurial.
  • Some support for other markup languages than markdown: rst, textile.
  • Unit test suite, with more than 300 tests.